Mittwoch, 3. Oktober 2012

Garden work's a workout

Get out in the Garden!

Get out in the Garden!

Making your garden beautiful is another good way to be physically active. Weeding, mowing, and gardening for 30 to 45 minutes can burn up to 200 calories. Be sure to stretch your arms, back, and legs beforehand to help you prepare for digging holes with a spade or shovel, planting seeds, or laying sod. Another trick: Get even more exercise by using a push mower to cut your grass.

Yay for Yard Work!

Raking leaves for 30 minutes can really work your upper body. But don't overdo it, especially if you don't exercise frequently — you could injure yourself. To minimize this risk, keep your feet and hips shoulder-width apart and rake by shifting your weight from leg to leg rather than twisting your back. Wear gloves to prevent blisters, and bend at the knees to bag and move piles of leaves.

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